From The Ground Up.

July 2010.

We've almost met our summer fundraising goal!

Can you help us make it the rest of the way? Please donate now!

Individual donations are essential to our ability to employ the Green Team youth, help families reduce their energy bills and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Please donate to help us achieve our 2010 goals. Read more about these goals here.

People on the Ground

Mandi Horvath
AmeriCorps VISTA Summer Associate

Danny Trujillo
AmeriCorps VISTA Summer Associate

Heidi Warner
University of Denver Intern

Lauren Chapman
Rocky Mountain Green Team Leader

Eric Dinkel
Rocky Mountain Green Team Leader

We'd also like to thank the following for recent grant awards and sponsorships that make our work possible:
The Starbucks Foundation
Anschutz Family Foundation
Adolph Coors Foundation
Peerless Tyre Co.

Rocky Mountain Green Team Kicks into Gear
The Rocky Mountain Green Team - a team of 9 young adults age 18-22 - started their work with Groundwork Denver on June 21st. This diverse group of young men and women will work 20 hours per week for six weeks at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal, and in Denver natural areas and urban gardens to prepare for an intensive three week internship in Rocky Mountain National Park. Those three weeks will be dedicated to camping, invasive species management, facilities management, and trail maintenance and construction. The goal of the internship is to expose urban young adults to green job opportunities in the National Park system. Members of the RM Green Team come to Groundwork Denver with a wide range of relevant experience gained through Americorps NCCC, Big City Mountaineers and even international service work. We are excited and proud of what these teams will accomplish this summer! To get a closer look at their experiences check out photos on our Facebook page!

Proyecto Auditorias en Commerce City
For an English translation Click Here
Commerce City es una de las comunidades en la que Groundwork Denver ha estado trabajando y obteniendo resultados en la eficiencia de energía. En los últimos meses hemos completado 55 auditorias en las que hemos instalando en 23 de los hogares insolacíon, y el reemplazo de cuatro refrigeradores. Tenemos programadas para efectuar el triple de estas auditorias próximamente.

Estas auditorias gratis que hacemos en los hogares de bajos recursos económicos, además del cambio de focos por los de menor consumo (CFL), instalación de insolaciones menores y recomendar para mayores, si es necesario, cambio de cabezas de duchas, reemplazo de refrigeradores y calentadores, si lo amerita, realizamos un cuestionario mediante el cual hacemos recomendaciones y educamos sobre el reciclaje, les ofrecemos plantarles árboles y la reducción de basura recibida por correo.

El propósito de nuestro proyecto de auditorias en Commerce City es beneficiar a sus residentes, en su mayoría compuestos por familias hispanas de bajos recursos, mejorando sus condiciones de vida económica y de salud mediante un cambio de comportamiento.

Hemos podido llegar a los residentes de Commerce City, a los que agradecemos su gran participación, con la ayuda de voluntarios tocando puertas, enviando cartas, y por referencias de familia de familia.

Para mas información, contactar a Miriam Colón en el 303-455-5600.

Volunteer Groups Provide Big Impact
Over the last few months, Groundwork Denver has had the help of over 360 volunteers who dedicated a few hours of their time to restoring natural habitats, knocking on doors, swapping lightbulbs, and cleaning up alleys and sidewalks. Since March, volunteers have reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 300 tons, improved over 3,500 feet of riparian habitat, and cleared out 200 cubic yards of trash, recycling and compost from the neighborhoods. A BIG THANK YOU to all of of our volunteers, including large groups from Deloitte Impact Day, Xcel Energy, JetBlue Airways, the Gap, Fulbright Scholars, Peace Jam, Regis University, Colorado Petroleum, CMI Fox, Laradon Hall and New Mexico High School Reality Projects.

Globeville Greens-up for Summer
"Dump Your Junk!" was the motto for the Globeville Neighborhood Clean Up on June 5th. A collaborative effort between Groundwork Denver and the Globeville Civic Association #1, Globeville Clean-Up Day was a success. More than 50 volunteers worked to clean Globeville's alleys and sidewalks by ridding them of glass, trash, weeds and dirt, making it easier to walk and ride bikes in Globeville. In addition to the alley and sidewalk clean-up, residents had the opportunity to "dump their junk". Volunteers helped seniors and others pull unwanted "junk" out of garages, basements and yards. Recyclables electronics, compostables and trash were separated cubic yard by cubic yard. It took the work of many people to make this a success and at the end of the day there was a sense of satisfaction that Globeville had been part of something big.

Social Media
We are excited to announce the launch of our new Facebook fan page! Please click here and "Like" the page for updates, photos and other media. Also, we have started a Meetup Group to help organize our events. Meetup will be an easy way to find out about our volunteer projects and other activities. Please join the Meetup Group if you have volunteered with us, or would like to volunteer in the future. Our first official Meetup will be July 31, 2010 to celebrate Colorado Cares Day. We'd love to see you there! Last, but certainly not least, you can follow Groundwork Denver on Twitter! Get up-to-the-minute details of what the Green Team is doing in the field or what projects we are working on in the office.

Community Action. Environmental Results.

The mission of Groundwork Denver is to bring about the sustained improvement of the physical environment
and promote health and well-being through community-based partnerships and action.

©2010 Groundwork Denver |
Mailing address: 2740 W. 28th Avenue   |   Denver, CO 80211   |   Phone: 303.455.5600   |   Fax: 720.306.8026